Friday, December 22, 2006

Illustration Friday Peace

I know, I know, she ought to be flying, and carying an olive branch, but you know in this world we're living in, it is not that possible as we have war everyday everywhere. This one I have here, as you would see, is a digitally manipulated photographic image, so manipulated (as peace is nowadays) that she is actually a regular dark gray pigeon. Not the reason I used the color but take a look at this, it's interesting. Why I preferred this colour is that it relaxes my nerves to the other meaning of "peace" extend :)

Monday, December 18, 2006


I learned that my ex got married and dumped my belongings I had forgotten to take when I returned home. Didn't bother to send them to me. one of them was a neck wrap my sister had given me as a gift, and the other one was an open work cardigan mom had knit for me, which was the important thing becouse it was black and mom is old so it is hard for her to knit an openwork black cardigan, but she did it for me, and that ... (excuse me for what I really want to write here but prefer not to in order to be polite to the blogworld) gave them away. No, his wife gave them away and bla bla bla. ... .

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Büyük bir adam hakkında küçük şeyler... / Small things about a great man...

2001 TÜYAP Kitap Fuarı, henüz Tepebaşı'nda, Semih Balcıoğlu 'nun orada olduğunu öğrendiğim gibi iki karikatür albümümü kapıp koştum, bir de hatıra kitabı yayınlanmıştı, onu da oradan aldım, gittim yanına ama bir de utangacım, kitapları evden getirdiğimi görünce o benden çok heyecanlandı, oturduk, muhabbet ettik, Güzel Sanatlar'da olduğumu öğrenince daha da sevindi, sonra çantasını açtı ve içinden bana göre altından daha değerli olan birşey çıkardı, bir deste Semih Balcıoğlu Karikatürlü Oyun Kartları, ne zamandır arayıp da hep 'bitti' denilen, sonra adıma imzaladı, bana hediye etti :) Nereye koyacağımı bilemedim, tabi hiç oyun oynamadım onlarla, bakıp bakıp gülümsedim hepsine tek tek... İşte o kart paketi ve içinden seçtiğim birkaç kart. Semih Balcıoğlu'na bir nevi anma, gülümseyerek :)

/Above are, as you can see, playing cards, but what is important is that they were designed by Semih Balcioglu, that I have mentioned a few posts ago, my favourite caricaturist, you may visit a little of his work here (also mentioned before)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Oh, by the way...

Remembering I was complaining about how I don't have a camera and how much I cannot post photos of my projects, all knitting and etc., as I introduced my new digital camera couple of posts ago, you might wonder why I still do not have any projects posted; here is the answer to that: I don't have time, simple as that, I leave home for work at around 7 thirty-8 in the morning (work starts at 10 - I often can't make it), work 'till 6 in the evening and come back home at around 9, eat dinner, soon fall asleep in front of the TV. This is how it goes on weekdays, and, well, it's a bit strange that I can't explain how I get to the end of the weekend (I can actually :). I need the day of the week more in number and hours of the day longer, so I can at least follow my favorite blogs. So, please don't be angry with me if I am not following your work, I'm not even following mine :P

Come fly with me Leo...

Leonardo da Vinci's Ornithopter

I've visited the genius of Leonardo exhibition this Saturday at Rahmi M. Koc Museum, great exhibition, real genius, at one of the most beautiful places on earth, go/come see the museum which is astonishing, and visit the exhibition wherever you come across, especially those who think Leonardo da Vinci ıs the famous painter of the woman with a wierd smile...
/Lütfen yukarıdaki linklere bakın (aynı şeyleri bir daha yazmak çok zor olabiliyor), sergiyi mutlaka görün...