Monday, December 05, 2005


I made my first polymer clay knitting-needle-ends (I had a pair of needles without ends), oh my god that material is so nice, so easy to shape, so beautiful in colors, so clean and so on...
You play with it in your hands until it is soft enough to work with (prefer to do it before you mix the colors). Don't forget to pack back the rest that u are not using. And now u can do whatever u want to do with that lovely thing! After everything is as u wish, put it in the oven (regular house oven) following the instructions on the package. Enjoy...
Here are some links: this one, this one, this, this, and this one

P.S. I don't have a digital cam or even a scanner. So I'll share the photos later sometime in the future, sorry.

/ Polymer clay (Turkcesini bilmiyorum, bilen varsa yazsın bana) denilen harikulade malzemeyle tanistim. Tepelerindeki boncuklari kayip olan eski metal sislerime tepe yaptim. Kullanimi cok kolay. Ben okuldaki kirtasiyeden Cernit markali olanlardan aldim, 65 gr'lik paketi 3 ytl, Fimo markali olanlari da var piyasada. paketten istediginiz miktarini alin, sonra da paketi iyice kapatin, renkleri birbirine karistirmadan önce elinizde yumusatin, sonra istediginiz sekil desen vs. verin ve de evdeki firinda pisirin. Sureleri ve firin sicakliklari için en iyisi paketin ustunu okuyun cunku farkli markalarin onerileri farkli olabilir. Ingilizce kismindaki linklere de bir göz atin. Hoscakalin.

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