Monday, February 25, 2008

Lif kabagiyla taze bir baslangic... / A fresh start with luffa sponge...

Once burada gorup heveslendim, sonra Imece Evi'ni buldum, onlar da bana tohum yolladilar, simdi tohumlari ektim, bakalim ne zaman banyo yapabilecegim kendi yetistirdigim liflerimle... / Saw here first, than found Imece Evi and they sent me seeds, and I recently seeded them, I can't wait to bathe with my own home made luffas...

Stage 1
Tohumlar adresime gonderildi. / Seeds sent to my address.

Stage 2
Iste boyle gorunuyorlar, karpuz cekirdegine benziyor ama yuzeyleri duz ve mat. / This is how they look like, resembling watermelon seeds, but they are flat and matt on the surfaces.

Stage 3
Icindekiler afiyetle yenmis kurabiye paketi, tohumlarimi filizlendirmek icin uygun. / Deliciously emptied cookie pack, ideal for the seedlings to become.

Stage 4
Tohumlar yesermeye hazir. Herhangi bir aksilige karsi uc tohumu sakladim. / Seeds are ready to sprout. I saved three seeds in case everything won't be alright.

For more information, see this.

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